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Roxanne Desired Page 5
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Page 5
“I am anxious to satisfy you, Master.”
He grabbed his thick shaft, stroking it a few times before he laid the tip of it at the entrance of my mouth. My tongue snaked out and licked the tip. It bobbed a little from the intense sensation then settled back down on my lips. Now was my chance to return his teasing tenfold. I took a breath and blew a cool stream of air over the head; before it could bob away from me again I pulled it, with a soft draw, passed my lips. He leaned forward, forcing himself further into my mouth. It was too much at first, but I adjusted to his length by tipping my head back a little further and opening up my throat. His hips pumped in and out, gliding over my wet and ready tongue.
“I’m about to lose it,” he rumbled.
The thought of making him cum with my mouth alone thrilled me. Spurred on, I began to suck even harder. After several more seconds, his whole body shuddered. Nathan slowly pulled himself from my mouth almost falling to his side, completely sated.
“Next time I want to be the one who’s tied up.” He said with an exhausted chuckle.
Comfortable warmth settled over me. I looked around the trashed and cluttered motel room, then to the side at Nathan. I had just gone through the most excruciating pain in my entire life, and in the same night, experienced the insanest of pleasures. I went to sit up to go use the restroom, when I realized I was still tied up.
“Uh, Nathan, did you forgot about something?”
A satisfied chuckle was all I received in answer.
I stared down the barrel of a gun that was being pointed at me from across the room. The man holding it was dressed in full black-on-black fatigues. He was standing under the door frame that he and two other soldiers had just slammed through. I could see his face but his eyes were hidden behind a pair of dark sunglasses. No matter, I recognized him instantly. The other two men in his company spread out, holding their rifles out in front of them, scanning the room. What were they looking for? I hadn’t the slightest clue. There was a loud crash, raised voices, and then the pop of gunfire coming from the adjoining room...
David’s room.
“What the fuck are you doing, Collin?” Nathan yelled, scrambling from the bed and jumping between me and the gun’s line of fire. “You better point that shit somewhere else or you and I are going to have some major problems, cousin.” Nathan growled.
My wolf became agitated at the protective tone in Nathan’s voice. She sensed trouble and she wanted out so she could protect herself and her mate from it. I watched both wolves stand off. The whole scene confused me. Why would the Alpha of my pack, not to mention my sire’s heartmate, be attacking me?
“All clear, sir!” One of the soldiers yelled from the bathroom.
Collin dropped his aim and then reached up and pulled the black wrap-arounds from his face.
“Calm down, cous’. I was just following proper protocol. I didn’t know how Roxanne would react to us taking her sired wolf into our custody.”
Nathan’s tense body quickly relaxed and he looked around the cramped motel room, his eyes piercing through the other men. “Do you mind sending them out of here, man? My lady isn’t decent, and for fuck’s sake, you know that we’re not a threat.”
Collin lifted his arm and motioned to his men. They dropped their weapons, and after giving him a quick nod, marched out of the room. I was grateful to Nathan for thinking of my feelings. I had figured out early on in my new existence as a werewolf that I wasn’t like all the other wolves that were born to this life. I wasn’t comfortable with showing my girly bits to every Tom, Dick, and Harry with fangs and a tail like the rest of my pack mates were. I appreciated having my own privacy and it was obvious that Nathan fully understood and respected that.
“Throw that fucking man-eater in the back of the holding van. Don’t bother being gentle about it either!” Ember bellowed over her shoulder, to whom I assumed, was the Adelphi soldiers, before walking into the motel room. She stopped by Collin and threw her hands on her hips.
“Sorry, Roxy. My stubborn man here thought it would be in everyone’s best interest if we got that mutt of yours off the streets as soon as possible. I tried to call and give you a heads up, but you never answered your damn phone. So…surprise! We have come a-callin’.”
Ember looked up and gazed tenderly at Collin. She then shook off the lovesick expression and scowled at him instead.
“I guess we can’t be trusted to make a rational decision about this particular situation. I hope you understand.”she said, making air quotes when she said ‘trusted’.
The only thing I understood was that I had been rudely woken up by gunfire and a gang of soldiers busting down my door. My clothes were across the room from me and my sire and her mate just took my asshole of a wolf into custody. I needed a moment to get myself dressed and let all this crap digest.
“It was so lovely experiencing my first Adelphi raid…just freaking peachy. Now can you please do me a huge favor and turn your butts back around and wait for us outside? Please and thank you.”
“I think we may have upset her, darling.” Collin said, guiding a shocked Ember out of the room.
She watched me for a second and finally said, “I told you this would happen. She better forgive me for this or you’re sleeping outside for a week.”
Their voices trailed off and Nathan shut the door behind them.
I grabbed a shower and threw on a set of fresh clothes; a simple blouse and a pair of dark blue jeans rounded off my ensemble. I took my time with the process, just to make my Alphas and their men wait a little bit longer. As petty as that might seem, I had no other way to make them pay for breaking into my room so rudely. I was also pretty upset about them taking David into custody, even though I couldn’t stand his tick infested hide and knew that he needed to be sequestered away for everyone’s good. Shit shit shit…That was exactly how to describe my feelings about this messed up situation.
Nathan looked at me then glanced at the door. “Are you ready?”
“Nope,” I said stubbornly.
He shot me a confused look. “What else do you need to do? I already straightened everything up, made the bed, and made sure we didn’t forget anything.”
I looked around the hotel room. It was spotless. I had noticed this personality quirk about my sexy bond mate before. He had an over compulsive need to keep everything nice and neat. I was a bit of a messy person myself so I guess it equaled out in a way. I would be fine with it as long as he kept his grubby paws out of my closets and drawers. I had a system, a code if you will, about where I put, or maybe more precisely, threw all my stuff. Even a scientist wouldn’t be able to figure out the proper method to my underwear drawer’s madness.
As I turned to pick up my bag and purse, Nathan came from behind and wrapped his arms around my waist. “Everything’s going to be okay, Rox. I’m sure that your sire instincts are driving you nuts right about now. I am incredibly proud of how well you’re handling all this.”
I hesitated for a moment, enjoying the feel of his arms around me, and then nodded. “Everything’s fine.” I said, repeating his reassuring words. “I’m ready to go.”
The pressure increased around my waist and velvet lips slid across my neck, sending delicious chills down my spine. When his arms released me I had to swallow down a protest.
“So are we ready to get on with the next phase of this kidnapping operation?” I asked, walking up to Ember and Collin. They had been in the middle of a private conversation; off to the side, away from the others, sitting close together on a concrete parking slab. Their heads were centimeters apart, almost touching as they spoke in hushed words. When Ember went to stand, Collin pulled her back down.
“Not so fast, woman.” He pulled her back down, laying a big kiss on her, then swatted her rear and said, “You girls go have a nice chat. I’ll get everyone organized and ready to hit the road. We are leaving in about twenty minutes or so. If you can, try and make haste.”
br /> “Not a problem. Come on Roxanne, let’s take a walk.” Ember said, entwining her left arm around my right one. With a nod I followed my Alpha as she led me away from everyone and around to the back of the motel.
After several short steps, we came across a shrouded trail that, at first glance, seemed to lead into the woods. As if beckoned, Ember and I headed straight for it. As soon as we were engulfed in the tall trees, Ember’s body noticeably relaxed. This was a setting that the she-wolf was most at home in. I wondered if I would ever feel the same way about the land as she did. A tingle spread throughout my body. It felt like a reassurance of sorts, my wolf giving me a metaphoric hug. It surprisingly made me feel a little better.
“I guess since I brought you out here I will start,” Ember said, pointing to a fallen log for us to sit on.
“I think, perhaps, that’s a good idea.” I answered while taking a seat.
I firmly gripped the log as I tried to find a comfortable position to sit down in. The bark was rough and sharp and I lost myself in the feel of it. It seemed as though the call of the land might capture me in its clutches quicker than I had initially anticipated…interesting. Ember bent over to pick something up from off the ground. After a few seconds she dropped down next to me. She held a white flower in her hand. With it, she reached up and tucked the long stem behind her ear.
“I really don’t expect you to understand everything that’s going on right now. You’ve had a ton of shit piled on you recently. I know. Shit that I am personally responsible for.”
Ember dazed off into the trees, her expression born of sympathy and confliction.
“Yes. I could have let you die that night in the diner; I probably should’ve, to be honest. But I knew that would have ruined Nathan, would have sent him into a dark spiral. I love him like a brother, Roxy. There’s no fucking way that I could have allowed that to happen. Not when I had the means to save him from it.”
Normally I would have held onto my anger a bit longer. I certainly had a right to it. However, I could tell that Ember was being sincere; she was also not the only one to blame for my new supernatural makeover, or for her pack being targeted. Not to mention the little mistake, that I happened to be responsible for, locked up in the back of her truck. I was learning quickly that she always did things with the best of intentions. And I respected her for it.
“I actually do understand.” I answered truthfully. “And I wouldn’t worry too much about the whole turning me into a hybrid thing. I’m beginning to fill these new shoes quite nicely.” I commented with a quirky smile. “You’d be surprised at how well I have adapted so far.”
Ember smiled at me. I could tell that her part in what happened to me on that horrific night back in Astoria, when I was attacked by Tyson and his Gatherers, had been weighing pretty heavy on her. I watched as the tensed up muscles in her face relaxed. There was a moment of peace between us. We sat like that, enjoying each other’s company in contented silence.
“Thank you,” Ember said, ending the quiet. She stood up and started walking back in the direction in which we had come from. “We better get back to the guys. Collin is a brat when he is left waiting.”
I jumped up, and after a good stretch, which not only loosened my muscles but expelled the last of my lingering resentment I had been holding towards my sire, followed her back to the motel.
Everyone was already loaded up in their designated vehicles ready to go when Ember and I arrived back. Everyone that is, except for Collin and Nathan. They were standing in front of the tiny brigade smiling and goofing off with each other, acting as if they hadn’t seen one another in months instead of just a few short days. Harper, Ember’s vampire bff, had told me once before in passing how close the cousins were. I was seeing it first hand for myself. I’m sure I would have noticed it before if I hadn’t been so wrapped up in my own little pity party.
“Did you two lovely ladies patch everything up?” Collin asked, falling right into place at Ember’s side.
I had no time to become jealous over the fact that Ember had someone who gave her such devotion because before I knew it, Nathan was pressing up against me as well. A funny, warm tingle in my stomach made me smile, but I quickly hid it before anyone, especially Nathan, could see. I felt like a schoolgirl with her first crush as it was. I didn’t think it was necessary for me to act like one as well. My eyes stole a peek at his tight, curved waist. They took it upon themselves to roam over his toned muscular arms, then further up, drinking in his light brown hair. I adored how those messy locks of his held a tint of natural blondish highlights. My God, I was going to have to learn how to be one hell of a good actress if I was going to refrain from turning into a pile of mush every time this stud was near me.
“Not that it’s really anyone’s business. But yes, we settled some things.” Ember answered Collin with a playful wink.
She waved at us to follow them and, hand in hand, they both walked across the parking lot and hopped into a large, white truck.
Nathan placed a finger under my chin and gently tipped my face up. The angle left me with the perfect view of his warm brown eyes. There was that damn tingling sensation again. If my libido kept acting up like this, I was going to find the nearest room and have my way with this guy.
“Where are you right now?” Nathan asked, with a curious crease in his brow. He was reading my expression.
I felt the spread of heat across my cheeks and I just knew they were beaming a bright red. I swatted his hand away and turned to leave.
“I was just thinking about how incredibly sexy you are,” I confessed with a shrug.
Screw it. What was the point of hiding how I felt from him? If we were going to make a go of this, I was going to have to learn how to deal with the fact that I was with one hell of a fine man. Those were my lingering thoughts as I began to walk away from him. I didn’t hear his footsteps behind me so I stopped and turned to ask what was keeping him. Nathan blinked and just stood there speechless. Eventually, he took one step followed by another, his eyes trained on me the whole time. I swallowed a lump in my throat as I watched my wolf stalk me. My nipples instantly swelled, rubbing themselves against my lace bra. His eyes looked down at the evidence of my arousal and he all but leapt across the remaining distance between us. In the blink of an eye, he had me in his arms. I welcomed his primal embrace. Our mouths crashed together in a haze of arms and legs scrambling to wrap around each other. We stayed together like that, loving each other with our bodies, until a loud clapping sound rang in my ears and the honking of several horns pulled us both from our sensual retreat. We reluctantly unpeeled ourselves from each other; me with a nervous chuckle and Nathan cursing at everyone. My gentle laugh turned into a loud one at the look of frustration painted across Nathan’s face. I grabbed him by the hand and pulled him toward his car.
“Let’s go, gorgeous. We can finish this later.” I smiled.
“That was quite the show you guys were putting on back there. You two horny wolves were one hand down each other’s pants away from starring in your own live porno movie.”
My hand jerked to the side. Startled at the unexpected voice, I steered the car off the road, onto the soft shoulder of the highway.
“What the hell?” Nathan swore. Craning his neck, he looked behind him, checking to see who the voice belonged too.
I quickly corrected the steering wheel, which brought us safely back onto the road. I glanced over my shoulder to search out the strange voice for myself.
Sitting smugly with her arms crossed over her chest, Ariel had appeared out of nowhere and was taking up space in the backseat of the car.
“Why are you looking at me like I have snakes coming out of my head?” Ariel asked.
“Are you kidding me?” I replied, dumbfounded. “You just appear out of nowhere like a freaking ghost, scaring the crap out of us, and you wonder why we’re looking at you weird? You’re unbelievable, Ariel.”
Next to me, Nathan bega
n to laugh. I didn’t really appreciate it, so I reached over and punched him in the arm.
“Ouch! What? You have to admit. It’s kind of funny how we jumped like virgins on prom night getting their first real look at a man’s…”
“That’s enough!” I interrupted him before he could finish, stifling a laugh.
“Vampires and wolves never cease to amaze me. One minute you’re all broody and mad at the world and in the next moment you can’t stop laughing. Makes me wonder why I am even bothering to try and save one of you.” Ariel shook her head and sat forward, leaning her arms on the back of our seats. “Where are we heading anyways?”
A confused expression traveled over both me and Nathan’s faces. What the heck was she talking about? Who did she think was in need of saving? I guess the only way I was going to find out was to simply ask her.
“What do you mean? Who needs saving?” I questioned.
Ariel huffed and with a slow shake of her head, she stared at me as if I should already know the answer to my own question. I ran a hand through my hair and tried my best to keep up our conversation and still drive at the same time. The damn Nymph wasn’t only confusing, she was distracting as well.
“I have no clue what you’re talking about.” I reiterated.
“Brady is who I’m talking about. You know, the vampire back at the compound who is currently stuck in a death sleep; the same vampire who I am now personally responsible for, considering I took him under the sacred waters and let him live. That would be the paranormal creature who needs saving.” She said, as if speaking to a daft person.
Honestly, I had never met Brady. He was already in his ‘death sleep’ when I had first arrived at the compound where he was being looked after. So no, his name hadn’t immediately popped into my head when she mentioned that someone was in trouble. His fate was a sad one, but certainly wasn’t on my personal list of high priorities.